District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, October 11, 2020
WLF Report


Exciting News: we have a new website! Please visit it to see the new WLF logo. Lions Pride Endowment Fund-two checks were presented to the Foundation that totaled $125,000. The 2020 shoot was canceled of course; save the date of June 12 for 2021. Join the blog at blog.lionspride.org for more information.


Clubs are not as busy with in-person events of course due to COVOD-19. But D-1 Mt Horeb is launching their Lions/District Diabetes Prevention Program with classes beginning in November with 20 attendees paid for by WI Lions, virtually. Also going virtual is their new non-profit Trollway Diabetes Car, LLC A-2 is also active with webinars targeting November Awareness Month. Liz Shelley will email all clubs with the offer of two posters. Clubs should seek out testimonials from people and share with WLF. Books and other materials are available through her also.


Clubs are not as active with this service project also so need to create ways to accomplish this B1 has screened at one school but is training the nurses to screen using the device! D2 screened 40 children at an Amish School. D1 shared an email from PlusOptix showing different ways to screen children by building shields/hoods to do so outside - Meghan Postelnik will send this email out to all DGs and CVS chairs; also a hand-out was passed around showing the price break if clubs could buy warranty insurance as a group. Also insurance from Acuity can be purchased, right now with the current number of devices it is $86 per device per year. Meghan will send another email to districts to get a better group rate if if more sign up.


Since July we have received 188,410 glasses and shipped 19,075. The Eyeglass Bill died in committee last April.

Hearing-three approvals for hearing aids since July. Fifteen applications have been received and 1,342 hearing aids have been sent in for Starkey credit.


Summer Camp did open with 40 campers per week for three weeks until some counselors exhibited COVD-19 symptoms. Next year's Camp will start June 6. Diabetes Camp will be run strictly as one of our programs (no longer partnering with ADA for Camp). Off Season Rentals are in-flux of course; some groups may book depending on COViD-19.

Property - new person in charge Pete Rekowski is busy. They used the available counselors to do staining etc this summer. New siding will be installed in some buildings along with paving of the roads. He is working on switching over to LED lighting and upgrading the PA and phone systems. Logging income was over $8000.


Kids for Camp Raffle generated $5300 more than last year, after expenses it is $30,047. Save the date of September 10 for next year. Visit that new website for more information and winners. Birch-Sturm Golf Outing generated $30,819; save the date of July 17 for next year. Hustle S'more generated amount was $800 less than last year; save the date of August 14 for next year. Deer Hide Campaign has started; the new posters can be ordered with the new WLF logo. WLF bags (with the new logo!) can be ordered; no charge this year. They are in a paper form with handles.

Eye Glass van and/or trailer will be at all conventions even if no tables or vendors inside. 2021 Visitor Days hopefully will resume but with smaller groups. Watch for a video on-line tour (on that new website!).

Respectfully submitted by

WLF Director Laurie Holthaus (Monroe Club) laurieholthaus@yahoo.com (608) 317-4239
WLF Director/PDG John Elvekrog (Stoughton Club) jmichaele63@gmail.com (608) 873-7680
Lioness Representative Julie Baglama (Madison Monona Lioness Club) juliebags2527@gmail.com (608) 516-2527

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