District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, July 25, 2021
USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum Report

The Forum will be held in Des Moines, Iowa on September 9-11. This is one of the closest forums, please make plans to attend.

Opening Thursday night, we will hear the Talents of Young People. There will be a parade of flag ceremony. These Young People will also inspire and entertain the attendees.

Friday lunch, we will hear from Jessica Cox. Her motivating speech is “Possible Thinking”. Jessica was born without arms, but that has not stopped her. She flies planes and drives cars using her feet in place of hands.

We will hear from International President Douglas Alexander at the Saturday lunch. IP Doug is from New York.

Saturday evening event is with Michelle Ray. Michelle is a very entertaining and motivating speaker and has presented at two other forums. Her new book will be out in September and is titled “Leading in Real Time, How to Drive Success in a Radically Changing World”.

During the 2½ days of the forum, you will have opportunities to attend 70 seminars. But even more importantly, we have time to network with other Lions, many of which we only met virtually this year.

To register please go to www.lionsforum.org.

Would love to see you there,
IPDG Tammy Rockenbach

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