District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, July 25, 2021
Vision Committee Report

Cabinet Members,

Vision Screenings in schools have been slow as we recover from a year of restrictions due to COVID-19. Edgerton, Portage, Monticello and Mt. Horeb have screened children and we wait to hear from other clubs as those restrictions are cut back this year.

We have been working diligently on a multi-district “reduced” extended warranty with PlusOptix. Currently any cameras under warranty have been paying $295.00 per year for this coverage. WLF has agreed to be the process point of managing a multi-district (A1, A2, C1, and D1) warranty to be able reach the ideal level of 21+ cameras under the same warranty coverage. WLF will receive the camera information and process an invoice from PlusOptix on these cameras. This would allow all cameras to be covered for a 3-year period (July 1st, 2021 - June 30th, 2022) for a fee of $150 on each camera. WLF has agreed to pay this invoice and collect payment from each district for the cameras they have submitted for coverage.

D1 has 11 cameras submitted for this program -

• 3 owned by district D1
• 9 owned by Lions Clubs

There are 29 cameras currently submitted to this program from all 4 districts.


• I am requesting our Cabinet to approve the payment for an invoice from WLF of $150 per camera ($1,650.00) and for D1 to invoice each district Lions Club for repayment on their camera(s).

WLF has been essential in putting together this cost savings and we wish to thank everyone who participated. The total cost savings (on this program) over the 3-year period is $21,315.00 when compared to the $295 per year on the present option. This cost reduction has provided an opportunity for all eligible cameras to be covered.

Respectfully submitted,
Lion Milo Parker
Vision Committee

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