District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, January 22, 2023
GAT Team Report

1) Lion of the Year and Service Project of the year applications have been updated by GLT Tony Sobczak. The updated forms were sent to several clubs by Lion Andy Grosvold. GST Steve Pogue also sent them out to the 12 Zone Chairs, asking them to send them to each of their clubs and encourage the Clubs to send in their Lion of the Year nominations and the Service Project of the Year to Lion Andy and Lion Steve no later than February 15th. The 10 nominees for Lion of the Year with the most votes will be notified by February 25, 2023 and are encouraged to attend the District Convention March 11, 2023 to be recognized.

2) MD27 GLT Coordinator PCC Geri Schlender announced the 2022 Faculty Development Institute (FDI) will be April 28-30, 2023 at the Holiday Inn in Stevens Point. This three-day institute (with check in on the 27th) will develop and expand the number of skilled Lions faculty available for use in training at the club, district, and multiple district levels. A post institute training assignment will be to arrange to be observed and evaluated while conducting a local training event (within 6 months) of attending FDI. It determines the successful conclusion of the institute and confirms participants as FDI Graduates.

Candidates for FDI must meet all qualifications before applying*
• Member in good standing
• Not attended an FDI within the last five (5) years
• Have an interest in improving training delivery skills
• In-depth knowledge of Lions' culture, leadership experience & comfort using
PowerPoint is preferred.

Applications are available, email gss@frontiernet.net to request one. Submission of completed application does not guarantee acceptance. Deadline for submission is March 3, 2023.

3) 1st Vice District Governor Jeff Winkler and the GAT Team will be meeting on February 16 th to begin planning for this years Club Officer Workshop.

Thank you,
Steve Pogue
27-D1 District GST Coordinator

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