District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, January 22, 2023
Wisconsin Lions Foundation Report

WLF Directors meeting was Saturday, December 10,2022

1. Your Lions Camp has made a lot of improvements in the facilities the last couple of years, and it will continue in 2023. The trail around the Lake was done this past Fall, this will make it much safer and pleasant for the camp tours. The other items that we have talked about in previous reports will be finished this year.

2. We have completed a long term Strategic Plan, this has been talked about and worked on for a couple of years. It is important for improving our already great camp.

3. Liz Shelley, who has been in charge of a lot of our State projects has been promoted to Executive Assistant. She will be helping Executive Director Evett Hartvig with more of the Administrative and Promotional responsibilities. A new position of Project Director has been filled by Keith Mueller. These are positive changes from the Strategic Plan.

4. The Deer Hide collection went well this past fall, it was an increase from last year and will be another great Fund Raiser. Thank you to everyone that helped or donated.

5. Lions Camp for Kids Raffle made $45,400 last year. We have this year's tickets and will be handing them out to the zone chairman at the District Convention. We appreciate the support for this Fund Raiser and hope we sell even more tickets this year. Drawing will be on September 27, 2023 at 2:00PM at the camp.

6. Birch-Sturm Golf outing will be on Saturday July 22, 2023 at Glacier Woods Golf Course, in Iola. This will be the 26th annual event, always a good time and money maker. Hope to see a lot of you there.

7. Lions Pride has proven to be a great Foundation that has supported the WLF financially for many years now. In 2022 they donated $350,000. What a difference that makes in our budget. One of their major Fund Raisers is the annual Lions Pride Sporting Clay Shoot at Milford Hills, Johnson Creek. This year will be their 15th on June 10th.

Thank you to all the Clubs and Individuals that support the Wisconsin Lions Foundation. Let us know if we can help you with anything and plan a trip to your Lions Camp.

WLF Directors
PDG John Elvekrog
Lion Jim Fletcher

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