District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, July 31, 2022
Wisconsin Lions Foundation Report

Our WLF is doing well and had a very successful year in 21-22.

We want to thank all the clubs that made Financial Contributions and individuals also. We ended up with 639 campers last year, 78 from our District. This summer has been a struggle with Covid and staff shortages, but the camp is still open. We had one week that no campers could attend because of a shortage of staff with Covid.

A highlight this summer was having the Green Bay Packers stop by in their traveling bus and visit with the campers. They also presented a check for $29,000.00 with their co-sponsor, Associated Bank.

At the State Convention in May, all the resolutions passed and these improvements are being made. Thank you to everyone who voted yes, they were all needed.

Make sure and get your Lions Camp Kids Raffle stubs and money to Director Jim or myself by September 15 th . This is one of our biggest Fund Raisers. Last year it made $38,887 for the camp.

The Birch-Sturm Golf Outing was held this past Saturday, July 23, and it was a very successful day. The rain held off until we were done golfing and everyone had a good time. I don't have the dollar figures yet, but should be close to last years $24,000 profit.

Lion Jim and I would like to attend all Zone/Region meetings this year, plus many club visits.

Thank you for all you do to support your Lions Camp.

WLF Directors,
PDG John Elvekrog 608-575-7680
Lion Jim Fletcher 608-712-8897

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