District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, October 16, 2022
Retention Report

For the dates beginning 7-1-2022 and ending 8-31-2022

A total of 15 clubs reported dropped members during this time frame, resulting in a total of 29 members dropped district-wide. The breakdown is as follows:

In Good Standing










Of this total, 21 retention surveys were sent out. Surveys were not sent out to those dropped members who moved or transferred to other clubs. There were 3 responses to the survey. Two were in written form and one was by phone. Two surveys were returned unopened.

Both of the written responses had very favorable comments about their time as Lions. One left due to age related health reasons and one left because of severe time constraints between family, job and Lion commitments.

The member who responded by phone initially quit going to his club functions because of an accident he was involved in and the subsequent health issues that arose from that. After much time passed without anyone from his club contacting him asking about his welfare, he felt that he wasn't missed. When he was finally able to go back to his club activities, he found that he had been permanently replaced as the club's Leo advisor - which he said was his favorite part about being a Lion. He went to his sponsor to express his concerns and disappointment over this and was told that he would have to talk about it to someone else who had more time for him. It was at this point he decided that this Lions club was not where he wanted to be any longer. He did say that he might consider rejoining Lions at some point, but was not sure that he would care to return to this particular club.

No other survey responses were received.

Respectfully submitted 10/1/2022
Becky Faliveno
Retention Chair

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