District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, October 16, 2022

This year's Forum was held Sept 15-17 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. This is the first time that it has been in Canada since 2007.

Thursday's keynote speaker had emergency surgery, so Lion Lori Sheehan stepped up and gave a motivating speech on what LCIF is doing in all parts of the world. She also is promoting her new initiative, Lions in Motion. This is encouraging Lions to exercise.

At the lunch of Friday, we heard Olympic Speed skater from Canada, Catriona Le May Doan. Inspiring us that if we don't succeed at first, to keep trying. She also mentioned that at that time, the only place that a speed skater could train inside, was in Milwaukee, WI.

On Saturday, International President Brian Sheehan shared his enthusiasm with the Lions. He encourages teamwork, and his motto his “Together We Can”.

At the closing banquet on Saturday, we heard Steve Farber, tell us that good business is about the little things. One of his books it titled “Love is Just Damn Good Business”. We need to love what we do, whether it is business or in serving.

As always, lots of great seminars, a service project, and an invigorating Strides Walk.

Lion Tammy Rockenbach

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