District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, October 16, 2022
Wisconsin Lions Foundation Report

We want to take a moment to remember Past WLF President Lion John Dickson who passed away on October 1, 2022. Lion John gave all Lions an example of how to serve with his tireless volunteer work in our District and for the Wisconsin Lions Foundation at your Lions Camp with his countless hours beautifying the grounds for everyone to enjoy. He touched the lives of everyone who know him.

The Wisconsin Lions Foundation Board of Directors met on Saturday August 27, 2022 at the Lions Camp. The committees for the camp, eyeglass collection, diabetes awareness, hearing, and vision screening statewide projects met in the morning. Committee reports were given at the Board of Director's meeting in the afternoon.

  1. Eyeglass Recycling - 919,543 eyeglasses were received at the recycling center and 124, 543 pairs were shipped out on 32 missions this past year.
  2. Vision Screening - Vision Screening numbers are improving as Lions were able to enter daycares and schools this past year. The referral percentages have increased. Our District screened 9,254 children during 2021-22 with 949 of those referred for further examinations.
  3. Hearing - 5,861 hearing aids were sent for recycling and 40 hearing aids were ordered statewide.
  4. Diabetes Awareness - There are numerous materials available to clubs for diabetes awareness events. Clubs are encouraged to plan an event in their communities.
  5. Lions Camp - the surge of the COVID-19 virus this past summer keep camper numbers down with 633 campers during the 10 sessions. Our District had 79 campers from 28 communities. The new staircase to the lake has been completed. The improvement to the main trail around the lake was started in late September. The shade structure and dining hall delivery area projects will be completed in the spring of 2023.

Wayne Heiman, President of The Lions Pride Endowment Fund, presented a check for $100,000 to WLF at the Board of Directors meeting. Another successful year of fundraising from the Birch-Sturm Golf Outing, Hustle S'More, Camp for Kids Raffle, Deer Hides Collection, and the Lions Pride Clay Shoot helped our Camp and the Foundation's finances.

The deer hide collection project has benefited our Lions Camp greatly since it was started in 1988. The goal for this hunting season is $95,000 for the Camp. For over 20 years the same buyer has purchased the hides collected by Lions clubs all over Wisconsin. The hides are used to make gloves that are sold at Menards, Farm & Fleet, and Fleet Farm. This year the buyer has offered WLF the gloves at cost to sell them through the Camp Trading Post website as a fundraiser. If you have questions please contact Brad Behrens at 715-323-8033 or behrens518@gmail.com.

We want to thank everyone for your continued support of your Camp and the other WLF statewide projects. If your club would like to learn more about the Wisconsin Lions Foundation, please contact us about a club visit at one of your meetings.

WLF Directors PDG John Elvekrog & Lion Jim Fletcher

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