District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, October 16, 2022
Zone R2 D2 Report

My first year as Zone Chair by myself…a multitude of thanks for Verona Lion Jim Fletcher for his years in this position and we wish him well as a new WLF Director. My goal is to have clubs work together as some have done with projects in the past. Four clubs did Stuff the Bus at Madison HyVee Stores. We are currently with Madison West's lead working on Diabetes Screening at the HyVee Stores in November and with Madison Evening's lead organizing a Diabetes Awareness Scavenger Hunt at District Convention.

I will go alphabetically:

Fitchburg (18 members) had another busy summer of fundraising. After a few covid years of not holding an in-person meeting, they will have one next Monday evening (the 17 th ) that I plan on attending. They did do Stuff the Bus with other clubs in the Zone.

Madison Central (27) is meeting regularly twice a month via Google meeting and I attend every few months. They also worked Stuff the Bus as a team with us. Their PlusOptix with Scott Grover assists other clubs with Children's Vision Screenings that are being conducted again.

Madison Evening (11) meets via Zoom and still does Game Night very enthusiastically; I attend every so often. They are organizing a Diabetes Awareness Scavenger Hunt (like at recent State Conventions) that our clubs will assist. They are also collecting plastic for the NexTrex program to earn a bench.

Madison Monona Lioness (15, my club) is in its second year as a Lions Club with in-person meetings. It is continuing its fundraising activities (Meat Raffles every Saturday, money raffles, nut sales etc) and is doing service (children's vision screening, bell ringing, Hat Ladies, etc). Sad to report the loss of transferred member John Dickson.

Madison West (29) also does in person meetings and I will be attending their October 12 meeting. Besides children's vision screening they did Stuff the Bus and are spearheading a Diabetes Awareness project with HyVee Grocery Stores in November of Diabetes Screenings with other clubs helping (along with the District). They are fundraising with Bucky Books and Pointsettia sales.

UW Campus (5) has a new president who is a Lion's granddaughter. Ben August is still their advisor and needs ideas of which we are keeping him/them informed of our clubs activities so maybe they can join in.

Sadly we no longer have the Winner's Circle specialty club that disbanded in June but some members transferred to other Lions Club.

Respectfully submitted,
Zone Chair Julie Baglama

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