District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, January 12, 2025
Childhood Cancer Initiative Report
From an email sent out for me by the Exec Team: As many of you may know by now, the statewide initiative we had last year has ended. The focus was to ask every Lions club to donate $100 to a state fund. It did generate $80,000 that was shared by the five foundations across the state that assist families stricken with cancer. The State Chair PDG Dave Lee presided over a seminar about this program at the State Convention and the checks were presented in June.
This year we do not have a statewide plan but each district and club is encouraged to do whatever they can do locally to assist a family or cancer research.
If you care to donate directly to one of the foundations here are the five you can help. My own club this year is again adopting a family for Christmas through the Badger Childhood Cancer Network. I know that Madison West provides meals every month to the Madison Ronald McDonald House; Fitchburg donated money to BCCN directly.
The five groups are 1) the Children's Cancer Family Foundation of Northeast Wisconsin (helping families from 19 counties in northeast Wisconsin no matter where they go for treatment), 2) Cory's Project (helping families with children being treat for childhood cancer at the Children's Hospital in Milwaukee), 3) the Badger Childhood Cancer Network (supporting families with children being treated at American Family Hospital in Madison), 4) Kisses from Kegan and Friends (helping families with children being treated at Madison or Milwaukee children's hospitals), and 5) the Krause Family Pediatric Angel Fund (supporting families with children being treated for cancer in the Marshfield Clinic system).
If you need more information please contact me. And if you care to financially or in person help a family or donate to a cause please let me know and I will include it in my Cabinet report for each such meeting.
Thank you for considering any assistance you can give to the newest LCI Global Cause.
Respectfully submitted,
Julie Baglama
27-D1 Childhood Cancer Initiative Chair
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