District Cabinet Meeting - Sunday, January 12, 2025
R2 Z2 Zone Report

My Madison area Lions clubs except for the UW Campus Club are doing quite well.

Fitchburg Lions celebrated their 40th anniversary with a very nice reception. They are more active in the summertime with their fundraising and then they spend their time donating money. They are 2/3 of the way to earning a NexTrex bench.

Madison Central is meeting monthly and doing vision screening also helping Madison West and Madison Monona with children's vision and screening also.

Madison Evening did a pizza fundraiser and is meeting monthly and are continuing their game nights an extra night of the month.

Madison Monona is doing fundraising and service projects. They donated $2500 to the Monona Police Dept for the K-9 and Shop with a Cop programs. They are starting a NexTrex project.

Madison West meets regularly and is very active with Ronald McDonald house monthly dinners.

All clubs and Janesville Lions participated in the A1c testing in partnership with Hy-Vee grocery stores, report was already submitted to the Exect Team and District Diabetes Chair Jill Keitzke who helped with the funding.

And some of the clubs rang bells for the Salvation Army during the holidays. Our next joint project will be the Diabetes Awareness Scavenger Hunt at District Convention.

I am planning a zone meeting for Tuesday, January 21, probably at Tully's II in Monona with the meeting starting at 6 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Zone Chair Julie Baglama

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