We Serve

District 27 - D1

Building On Our Success
27-D1 District Cabinet Meeting - January 20, 2019

Cabinet Meeting Minutes

Note: Audio version of webinar can be found here.

Meeting called to order by DG John Elvekrog at 3:01 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance was led by 1st VDG Conrad Dreyer

Words of Wisdom - 2nd VDG Tammy Rockenback shared 2 readings

“Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receives them, and they bless you, the giver.” Barbara de Angelis

“Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” Mark Twain

Welcome & Comments by DG John Elvekrog - DG John extended a welcome to everyone and tanked the clubs for everything they are doing in their communities. He also thanked Lion Dale Burmester for setting up the online webinar meeting again this year. He also thanked the Burmester's for hosted the meeting at their home.

He just returned from the District 27-A1 convention at the Abbey Resort. Our District had a large contingent in attendance at the convention.

DG John gave an update to the Emergency Grant from LCIF and the donations to the District's Emergency Find Account. The LCIF grant was used for food and cleaning supplies for the communities affected by the August flooding. The District received about $4,000 in donations from clubs, individuals, and District funds. The funds were distributed as follows: $1,000 to the Wolf Run Trail Alliance for trail repairs, $1,000 to the Gilda's Club in Middleton for building repairs, $1,000 to the State Bank of Cross Plains as part of a matching grant for the Cross Plains Lions for flood relief, $500 to the Mazomanie food pantry, and $500 to the Black Earth food pantry.

He is planning to wrap up his club visits in Regions 5 & 6 by the end of February. He may visit other clubs that he has not visited in the past couple of years.

IPDG & Council Chair Jodi Burmester's comments - IPDG Jodi and Lion Dale attended the District27-A1 convention to promote Jodi's bid for International Director. She asked that our District clubs send a full delegation to the State convention in May for two reasons. First our District is hosting the convention and many volunteers are need and second she needs our votes for ID at the convention. She is considering a bus to the convention for the voting so all our delegates will have a chance to cast their vote. IPDG Jodi has yellow T-shirts and polo shirts available to promote her candidacy for ID. Jodi and Dale are available to visit clubs and talk about her goals as ID.

1st VDG Conrad Dreyer's comments - 1st VDG Conrad is making his club visits in Regions 3 & 4. He said it is refreshing to hear how clubs are making a difference in their communities. Lions don't just write checks, they do hands on projects 24/7 365 days a year. He mentioned that membership is down in our District, but that will change before June 30th.

2nd VDG Tammy Rockenback's comments - 2nd VDG Tammy is half way through her Regions 1 & 2 club visits. She has 2 more clubs to schedule. At the club visits she has been installing officers and giving new member orientations. She thanked clubs for everything they do in their communities.

Secretary's report by Lion Jim Fletcher - Minutes from the October 14, 2018 meeting in New Glarus were posted on the website. Motion to approve the minutes was made Tara Vraniak and 2nd Jodi Burmester. All those in favor of approving the minutes as presented please vote yes in the poll or chat window on your computers. Motion carried.

Treasurer's report by Lion Bill Severson - CT Bill Severson reported that the District funds are in excellent shape. Clubs are sending donations directly to programs instead of through the District, which has made his job easier. DG John and Bill will be writing checks to clear out accounts for donations to District and non-District programs. The Activity Account balance is about $63,000 before the checks are written. $3,000 was transferred from the Wisconsin Lions Mission Account to the Emergency Flooding Account and $3,000 was transferred from the Adult Vision Screening Account to the Childhood Cancer Initiative. The Administrative Account is slightly over budget, but that is not a concern at this time. Convention registration payments are starting to come in for the District convention. The full report will be posted online. Motion to accept the treasurer's report was made by Lion Bill Clausius and 2nd by 1st VDG Conrad. All those in favor of approving the Treasurer's report as presented please vote yes in the poll or chat window on the computer. Motion carried.

Childhood Cancer Fundraiser Report - DG John reported that about $178,000 was raised for the matching LCIF grant to purchase a Flow Cytometer machine to be used at the Children's Hospital of Wisconsin in Milwaukee. District 27-B2 raised the most funds with over $38,000 donated and our District was 2nd with $31,925 donated. He thanked the 34 Lions Clubs, 3 Lioness Clubs, 1 LEO Club, and the District Cabinet for their donations for this worthwhile cause. He recognized the Madison Central Lions for their $5,000 donation. Another LCIF grant has been applied for to be used for a second Flow Cytometer to be located at the Carbone Cancer Center at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer, Inc. (MACC Fund) has pledged the additional $22,000 needed for the second machine.

District Convention reported by Lion Missy Dickson & 2nd VDG Tammy - Registration is open online for the convention to be held March 9-10 at the Madison Marriott. Several registration packages are available for the convention.

The convention opening session starts at 8:30 on the 9th.

At 9:15 am - Keynote Presentation - Dr. Jon Odorico, Surgical Director of the Pancreas Transplant Program at the UW Hospital will share information about diabetes and pancreas transplants.

Round one of the breakout sessions start at 10:30 am - Attendees may attend 1 of the 3 sessions offered:

1) Gaming Laws, 2) How to Get Members Involved, or 3) Many Faces of the Wisconsin Lions Foundation.

11:30 am - All Convention Luncheon with International Guest & Awards

1:45 pm - Keynote Presentation - BJ Blahnik, with Leader Dog will tell his compelling story of dealing with loss of vision.

Round two of the breakout sessions start at 2:30 pm - Attendees may attend 1 of the 3 sessions offered:

1) Children's Cancer Initiative, 2) Campaign 100 and new Grants, or 3) How to Adapt Changes in Your Club

Sunday March 10th:

8:15 am - Continental Breakfast

9:00 - 11:00 am - Workshops: CRASE (Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events) and CQI (Club Quality Initiative).

11:00 am - 1:00 pm - Tours of the Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin

State Convention reported by Lion Missy Dickson & 2nd VDG Tammy - The State convention is scheduled for May 17-19th at Chula Vista in the Wisconsin Dells. Registration is available online now. Friday May 17th will be the golf outing at Cold Water Canyon.

Saturday May 18th will feature 8 breakout sessions, 4 in during the morning session and 4 in the afternoon sessions. Sunday May 19th will feature Inspirational Speaker - Dr. Bryon Johnson - Saving Children's Lives With the Flow Cytometer.

Voting for International Director will take place at the State convention, so it is important to have all your delegates there.

Global Service Team with Lion Bruce Voight - His report is available on the4 District's website, but he offered some updates to his report. Thirty clubs have completed 3 or more of the 5 core service areas. Forty nine Diabetes Awareness projects have been completed by 24 of the District clubs. Thirteen more Diabetes Awareness projects have been completed this year compared to last year. With Diabetes Awareness Day in March more projects will be reported. The goal for Diabetes Awareness projects was 77 for this year. He reminded clubs to report a new service project this year and to report them to LCI. DG John report that Lion Jill Kietzke, co-chair of the District Diabetes Awareness Committee, will be attending the American Diabetes Association's Call to Congress, 2019 in Washington DC from March 27-29th.

Global Membership Team reported by Lion Tara Vraniak - Lion Tara's report is online on the District website, but she wanted to emphasized the CQI (Club Quality Initiative) session at the convention about how to make your club ready to be a better club.

Global Leadership Team reported by Lion Mike Keller - Lion Mike reminded the zone chairs to follow the agenda that was provided to him. He also wanted to remind District Lions that the deadline for the Wisconsin Lions Leadership Institute is coming up. Officer training will held in April at several sites around the District. Incoming officers need to attend one of the sessions.

District Pin & Convention Pin reported by Lion Brian McKay - Lion Brian has posted a picture of both pins on the District's Facebook page. The pins will be available at the convention at the registration and the pin traders table. The District pin is the second in a series of railroad depots. This year the pin is of the depot in Stoughton to correspond to the home of the District Governor. Future pins will match the depot with the home of the District Governor.

Hunger Campaign reported by Lion Chuck Wilson - Lion Chuck reported that the Beloit Noon Lions ring bells for the Salvation Army for their services to people in need. One of the bell ringing locations is a Culver's Restaurant. The owner of the restaurant (who is also a Beloit Noon Lion) matched the donations collected on one of the days for the Hunger Campaign to benefit Beloit residents. Lion Chuck will be sending an email to club presidents and secretaries about hunger projects for their communities.

Youth Exchange reported by Lion Ben August - Lion Ben's report is online on the District Website. He recapped the report with information about the 7 students who will be traveling to other countries this summer. The committee is seeking host families for the in-coming students from other countries for the camp session July 28-August 4th. The youth arrive about 2 weeks before the session, so host families would house the students for about 4 weeks. The Youth Exchange will be promoted at the International Festival at the Overture Center on February 23rd where many of the host families are found.

Wisconsin Lions Foundation reported by Lion Director John Dickson - Lion John reported that the camp is registering campers for the summer sessions. The registration material is online on the WLF website. Clubs should contact the schools to make sure the schools are aware of the camp for any qualified students. If anyone has questions they should call the staff at the camp. He also reported on the Friends and Honors Garden expansion. The work started in the fall of 2018. Some of the work planned for 2019 has already been completed because of favorable weather. A pollinator garden (butterfly garden) is the planning. He asked for volunteers for the “weeders group” to help at the garden.

Lion John has distributed Lions Camp for Kids raffle tickets to the District clubs. The real winners of the raffle are the kids. Eyeglass recycling center needs eye glasses for the many mission groups. WLF directors are available for club visits.

Lions Club International Foundation reported by Lion Bill Clausius - Lion Bill reported that the LCIF Campaign 100 is in its first year of raising $300 million. So far over $80 million has been raised worldwide. Two Lions clubs in the state of sgned on to be model clubs for the campaign. The clubs are the South Milwaukee Lions and the New Berlin Lions Clubs. Statewide donations and pledges are over $89,600 with our District raising over $16,400. Lion Bill will be attending the District conventions and the State convention to educate Lions about the impact of donations to Campaign 100. Individuals can pledge $100 each year of the three year period. Lion Bill is available for club visits.

Lions Eyebank of Wisconsin reported by Ron Blawusch - The Eyebank report is available on the District's website. Lion Ron updated us about tours to the new facility. Tours are being scheduled with the first public tour on March 28th. Finishing touches are being made to the new building and should be completed soon.

Lion & Club of the Year reported by 2nd VDG Tammy - The contest ends on January 31st. The club of the year will be based on net new members and number of service activities reported to MyLCI through that date. The top ten clubs will be notified ahead of the District convention and will recognize at the convention. The nominations for Lion of the Year need to be submitted by February 5th. Lion Tammy encouraged every club in the District to nomination one of their members for the ward. Nominations will be reviewed by the Cabinet, zone chairs and Governor's team.

Leo's Report by Lion Crystal Riniker - The Leo's report is available on the District website. Lion Crystal recapped her report. Only 4 Leo's clubs have reported service projects, 6 clubs need an advisor. She reminded the Leos about completing Form 50a. A new award for Leo of the year has a deadline for nominations by March 1st.

Club Fundraisers:
    • District Bowling Tournament hosted by the Oregon/Brooklyn Lions January 26-27
    • Sun Prairie 1st Groundhog Open putting golf tournament at area bars February 2
    • Cottage Grove Groundhog Day Breakfast February 2
    • Lake Wisconsin Lions Eskimo Golf on the lake February 16
    • Edgerton Lions Pancake Breakfast February 3

*DG John remarked that the District tent and flag are available for District club events. He also would like to get a couple more for use around the District. The tents and flags are available for $849.

Meeting was adjourned at 4:01 pm.

Minutes from October Cabinet Meeting
2nd Vice District Governor Report
Club Service Goals
Diabetes Committee Report
Global Membership Team Report
Global Service Team Report (pdf)
Hearing Preservation Report
International Convention Committee Report (pdf)
Leo Report
Leo 50A Form (pdf)
Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin Report (pdf)
MyLCI Report (pdf)
MyLCI MMR Report (pdf)
Region 2 Zone 1 Report
State Bowling Report (pdf)
USA Canada Forum Report
Wisconsin Lions Mission Report
Youth Exchange Report (pdf)

Note: some reports are PDF format. You may download the most recent free Adobe PDF reader at Adobe.

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